72627日二天在泰國清邁參與了由AIPPAsia Indigenous Peoples Pact)所主辦的Asia indigenous Peoples` Regional FairCelebrating the United Nations Declaration on the Tights of Indigenous PeoplesAIPP邀集亞洲各地包括聯合國機構、政府、非政府組織、原住民團體等,活動內容包含研討會、各族群表演及各國原住民以傳統食物、族群(組織)介紹、手工藝品展售等主題設立活動攤位,如此豐富的活動內容,讓第一次參與國際原住民族群活動的我來說,就像是劉姥姥逛大觀園一樣,對任何事物都感到新奇。

連著二天的活動就像是亞洲區原住民的聯合豐年祭,但與台灣豐年祭不同的是Regional Fair還多了較靜態的研討會,場內數個國家的原住民代表,都穿上了各自族群的傳統服飾與會,因為是聯合國原住民族權利宣言通過的慶祝活動,所以研討會的內容談到了聯合國原住民族權利宣言的重要議題,及各族群代表針對原住民族自然資源管理、原住民族女性賦權、原住民族認同、文化與發展等原住民各項事務的工作分享。




Regional Fair最後一個晚上的閉幕式,在頒發由各國推舉對原住民有重大貢獻者獎牌後的宣誓儀式令我有些感觸,當全體與會人員不分彼此手勾著手,齊聲宣誓承諾捍衛人權的各項誓詞,正在拍照的我耳邊傳來震耳欲聾的宣誓聲,在鏡頭內看到的畫面使我心情莫名激動,我看見了有著共同目標的不同族群,看見了不同語言的個體身上彷彿流著相同的血液,我看見了和平……。(當時的感動很難用文字i形容好讓你感動,除非你看見我所看見的)

An oath affirming our commitment to assert and defend Human Right

WE, the participants to the Asia Indigenous Peoples Regional Fair, convened to celebrate the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) from 26-27 July 2008 in Chiangmai, Thailand, having come together in mutual trust, respect and solidarity for each other, under the guidance of our spiritual traditions, and having shared our struggles and aspirations, state this oath:

WE fully acknowledge and honor the outstanding work and contributions of indigenous human rights activists who have made great sacrifices to defend and promote our rights. They shall always be our inspiration in protecting our rights and for our welfare.

WE pledge, as stewards of the land, which we have nurtured for generations and hold the responsibility to nurture for generations yet to come, to defend our ancestral lands and territories against development aggression, destruction, encroachment and other unwanted incursions. WE pledge, as keepers of our traditions, which we have maintained for generations and hold the responsibility to develop to respond to our current situation, to defend our traditional beliefs, values and cultures against commercialization, forced assimilation, obliteration and other forms of ethnocide.

We commit, to establish solidarity with other peoples of Asia, and of this world, who share with us the common endeavor for a just society and a sustainable world. We affirm our view that the work of asserting and defending the rights of all peoples is the responsibility of all human beings.

We affirm our commitment to achieving greater victories in exercising our collective rights. We declare our unity and solidarity to work tirelessly for a better and peaceful world.

July 27, 2008
Chiang Mai, Thailand


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